First Grade

First grade is a wonderful time of growth, academically and socially. Students continue to expand their sight word knowledge and understanding of how words are formed, which enables them to move beyond basic decoding. Using these fundamental  skills, they are able to write sentences and tell stories through writing. They are also continuing to develop comprehension skills that will help them become better readers. Students feel the joy of praying from a Sidur and are exposed to the first taste of Torah learning.  They are exposed to even more Hebrew conversation are encouraged to engage in as much Hebrew as possible.  During this time, they are also forming friendships and building on their understanding of personal responsibility.  

We recognize that every child learns differently.  Therefore, first grade will include a variety of learning modalities so that everyone is engaged.  

Learning centers, collaborative and independent work, small group instruction, and projects make up some of the ways students learn in first grade.  Using fun, creative means to teach the building blocks of learning sets first graders up for success in life!


Major Milestones/Events in first grade include:

  • Siddur Presentation
  • Presidents Play