Tuition Assistance

You CAN afford to give your child a
Jewish education at San Diego Hebrew Day.

Tuition Assistance

The leadership of our school remains committed to ensuring that the Soille Hebrew Day School education is available to every Jewish child, regardless of their family’s economic standing. Hebrew Day remains committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive parent body.  We welcome families of varying Jewish affiliation, family background, and financial standing. Although it is the responsibility of parents to finance the education of their children, we recognize that some families will need Tuition Assistance to bring tuition within their means. 
SDHD offers Tuition Assistance to qualifying day school families based strictly on financial need. We take great care to ensure that our Tuition Assistance application process is completely confidential. The Tuition Assistance Committee is comprised of discreet Board members whose decisions are not shared with anyone outside of the committee. The Tuition Assistance Committee makes a concerted effort to responsibly evaluate each Tuition Assistance application and allocate the limited funds in an equitable manner.
To streamline the process in determining a family’s financial obligation, Need-Based Tuition Assistance (in lieu of the Tuition and Fee Discounts) is allocated to qualifying families according to the guidelines explained on the following pages.

There are three tiers to this process:  

1) Based on self-reported Adjusted Gross Income (AGI), the requested contribution level to the School Development Fund may be reduced or eliminated.

2) Further tuition relief may be offered as needed through the Tuition Reduction Program. A reduced rate of tuition may be granted.  The streamlined process requires a request for reduction, and submission of: Form 1040 for the current and prior year (2 pages); and W2 or most recent 4 pay stubs.

3) Assistance beyond the Tuition Reduction Program is available in the form of Tuition Assistance. Limited grants of assistance will be determined once a more complete file of information is submitted and reviewed by the Tuition Committee.

A. SDHD will utilize the FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment to conduct a financial need analysis of all Tuition Assistance applications. Families applying for Tuition Assistance will need to complete the online application and submit all the necessary supporting documents to FACTS no later than March 3, 2025.  Please be aware that this is a FIRM deadline and that NO Tuition Assistance applications will be accepted after March 3, 2025, with the exception of new families who begin the admissions process after March 3, 2025. Please note that as a part of the Tuition Assistance application, families must provide SDHD with a current credit report.

Applying For Tuition Assistance
Tuition Assistance applications will only be considered once the family has applied for admission or re-registration and paid their tuition deposit.

To apply for Tuition Assistance, an application must be submitted using the FACTS website, linked here: (click on school log in and tuition management/grant & aid)

Once a completed application has been submitted, it will be reviewed by FACTS as well as our own Tuition Assistance Committee. After reviewing all the pertinent information provided by the parents and FACTS, our Tuition Assistance Committee will render a decision as to the amount of Tuition Assistance to be offered. Families are notified of their Tuition Assistance award amounts by our Business Manager, Klara Lapp.

Due by March 3, 2025

The following documents must be submitted through the FACTS application (linked above).

·Copy of each parent's current credit report (this can be obtained for free at 

·Copies of 2023 Federal & State Tax Returns including all supporting tax schedules (for both parents)

·Copies of 2023 and 2024 W-2 and/or 1099 forms (for both parents)

·Completed Income and Expense Supplementary Form (1 per household

·Copies of supporting documentation for Social Security Income, Welfare, Child Support, Food Stamps, and Workers’ Compensation

Due by April 15, 2025

·Copy of 2024 Federal & State Tax Returns including all supporting tax schedules (for both parents)

New families who tour and apply for admission
after the deadline will be granted an extension.

All supporting documentation can be faxed to FACTS at 1-866-315-9264 or mailed to the address below:

FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment
P.O. Box 82524
Lincoln, NE 68501-2524

Parents can address any questions or concerns about the Tuition Assistance application process, with a FACTS Customer Care Representative at: 1-866-315-9262 or Hebrew Day School Business Manager, Klara Lapp, at: 858-279-3300, ext. 105.

SSDHDS cannot guarantee any specific level of Tuition Assistance beyond any single year. Adjustments to Tuition Assistance award amounts from one year to the next can occur because of a change in a family’s financial situation and/or adjustments to the school’s Tuition Assistance guidelines.