Middle School Science
Science in middle school means working cooperatively to solve problems. Students are encouraged to explore the world around them, ask questions, and
use experimentation to discover how and why the world works the way it does. Each branch of science is covered, including engineering. Students use the scientific method to investigate problems. They learn to research and write formally. They collect data, interpret results, and make decisions based on evidence. Students are able to connect content to the real world through hands-on labs. Their experience culminates in 8th grade when each student comes up with their own problem and uses the knowledge they have gained to complete a science fair project.
5th Grade Course
The fifth grade science program introduces students to the scientific method and covers a wide variety of topics such as matter, ecosystems, energy, and forensic science. The course is based on a hands-on learning approach, and students utilize the equipment provided in the middle school science lab. They learn science skills such as using a microscope and performing a dissection. The students also have the opportunity to apply engineering and design ideas to solve real-world problems, as well as learn to integrate technology into their lessons in the new K-5 Innovation Lab.